Monday, 14 March 2011

Mediterranean Diet - Delicious Weightloss

The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest eating regimes in the world. It is unquestionably slimming and it's what I like to call 'delicious weightloss' since many of the diets out there are exceptionally nasty and sacrificial. 

In fact, Mediterranean based recipes are not only tasty but are very cheap and easy to make on a daily basis. In the modern society we live in today, you won't have to move to Sardinia   just to share in the secrets of the Mediterranean lifestyle...  
The ingredients that are incorporated into the Mediterranean diet are exceptionally good for your heart. Whether this style of cooking began as a conscious eating choice or just traditional cooking passed down, it is oddly perfect when it comes to getting your ideal amount of essential fats, vegetables and superfoods. 

In addition to that, you'll find research backing the Mediterranean diet as a method of preventing diseases such as 'Metabolic Syndrome' that results in excessive weight gain and high blood pressure. But I'm not finished - eating the Mediterranean way has also been linked to reduction in various forms of cancer, heart disease, alzheimer's and parkinsons.

If you have ever visited any 'old school' Mediterranean countries and enjoyed some of their large and dramatically laden home cooked meals, you will understand why. The body is designed to be filled with nutritive antioxidant foods, foods that are by its very nature included in the Mediterranean diet.

My closest friends will know that lately much of my natural eating ethos is based on Mediterranean recipes that my whole family enjoy (even the ones who have fry -ups in a frame on the fireplace) This is why I have included the Mediterranean diet in this blog - because it's suitable for anyone who is trying to lose weight and want to do so naturally without compromising on taste or enjoyment.

I think the greatest secret of the Mediterranean diet is this - eating and cooking in this way not only will develop your culinary skills but it will guarantee that you’re eating well and burning fat at the same time. In fact, the Mediterranean diet is not just a weightloss plan - it's a way of life. In this regard, I have to show some respect to the people that eat together, maybe cook together and use superior ingredients in the process. It's an ideal way to pass on healthy eating to your children.

Above all, the Mediterranean diet is a great way to increase your life span and that's not an exaggeration. Statistics that compare those who religiously follow the Mediterranean diet with those who eat like the rest of us show a 70% life expectancy increase. That's a huge contrast... take that - grim reaper.

 Many of the people that use the recipes I have included below and in fact, many of the European natives I have met on my travels (who cook in the same way) - are over 70 years of age. I have even met both men and women who are hitting the hundred milestone and are still running about like spring chickens. This is not magic or luck, it's about knowing what the body wants at an optimal level and using amazing ingredients in your daily diet that have been proven to have a whole catalogue of wellness benefits.

 On this note, here is the link I have sourced for you to get the Mediterranean diet, recipes and whatever I felt was necessary to aid in your weightloss goals. If you take anything from this post, let it be this tip - replace your normal cooking oil with olive oil or ideally extra virgin olive oil. Trust me, you will get used to it as I have and it's unbelievable for your skin (anti - ageing) and weightloss.

If you would like to take this path -click here - Mediterranean diet - delicious weightloss.

Good luck,


Mediterranean diet - delicious weightloss.



1 comment:

  1. I always add Mediterranean diet foods in my diet menu and really its very healthy diet food helps to control my weight and makes me fit. Thanks for sharing.
